Ficus polita

Botanical Name Ficus polita
Order: Rosales
Family: Moraceae
Genus: Ficus
Species: F. polita
Common Names: Heart-leaved fig

Plant Synonyms


Plant Local Names

Hausa Name: Durumi or Durmi
Yoruba: Opapa

Plant Habitat


Usually towns and villages

Plant Material of Interest


Tree, bark

Plant Description


A large tree, 10- 16 tall. The trunk is often buttressed and the bark is grey brown to creamy green. The specific epithet ‘polita’ means polished and refers to the glossy appearance of the leaves which are heart shaped with a sharp tip and a broad base. The figs are quite large (15- 30mm in diameter) and are borne in clusters on the stem and main branches. (Sofowora, 1984.)

Plant Used Parts


Plant Uses


i. The tree and bark pounded along with Ararabi (Hausa) with Botanical Name- Compiphota jerstingii, shani kasanni (Hausa) with botanical name- commphora kerstingii and kiriya (Hausa) with botanical name: prosopis Africana.
ii. The tree and bark were used except in shani kasani where the herb and shot was used 30 spoonful of the coarse powder were boiled in large volume of water.
iii. This is used in the management of oedema. (Ogbochukwu, 2005.)

Plant Therapeutic Action


Plant Precaution for Use


Plant Adverse Effect


Plant Contraindication


Plant Dosage Forms


Plant Dosage


Plant Storage


Plant Chromatographic Fingerprint


Plant Constituents


Plant Pictures

Ficus polita
Ficus polita
Ficus polita

Plant References