Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) G. Don

Botanical Name Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) G. Don
Order: Fabales
Family: Mimoaseae
Genus: Parkia
Species: P. biglobosa
Common Names: Africa locust bean

Plant Synonyms


Plant Local Names

NIGERIA: Hausa - Dorowa, Dadawa, Yoruba- Igba, Iru, Igbo - Ogirili

Plant Habitat


Plant Material of Interest


leaf, bark and seed.

Plant Description


This widespread savana tree, community known as dorowa is easily recognized by its bright red pendulous flower.
Leaves: with a minutely hairy common stalk 23- 46cm long, with a vague gland close to the much swollen base.
Flowers: (Dec- March), appearing with the new leaves or slightly before them, deep red, in the heads up to 2.5 6cm across, with stalks up to 14 inches long.
Fruit: (Feb- July) 15- 30cm long, 1 inch broad, light brown, containing numerous black seeds embedded in a yellowish edible pulp. (Ogbochukwu, 2005)

Plant Used Parts


Plant Uses


i. The mealy pulp, without the seed, is made into refreshing drink, regarded as being a diuretic.
ii. For Children, the pulp is mixed with honey to prepare a soothing drink, which is an emollient and refreshing in febrile states.
iii. A hot decoction of the bark is also used, as a mouthwash, to steam the mouth and throat and to relieve toothache.
iv. A lotion is made from the roots and leaves for sore eyes.
v. Root used in convulsion cases.
vi. Seeds used for treatment if arterial hypertension (Medicinal plants of Nigeria, 2006).

Plant Therapeutic Action


Plant Precaution for Use


Plant Adverse Effect


Plant Contraindication


Plant Dosage Forms


Plant Dosage


Plant Storage


Plant Chromatographic Fingerprint


Plant Constituents


Tannins, saponnins and alkaloids, cyanogenetic glycosides, saponin (Medicainal plants of Nigeria, 2006).

Plant Pictures

Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) G. Don
Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) G. Don
Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) G. Don

Plant References